Tellington TTouch-for-You®
Cellular Wisdom
Welcome to the
Tellington TTouch-for-You® Cellular Wisdom
Please accept our heartfelt thanks for participating in this contemporary way of teaching and learning. It means the world to us that you have chosen to participate in this course that will benefit you, your clients, family and friends.
We’ve begun a new era of sharing TTouch-for-You® for Self-Help, online, enhancing well-being. We are creating a model for a new paradigm of caring for ourselves, family, friends, clients and our planet through the lens of TTouch-for-You®.
Together, we create the spirit of community through the core essence of TTouch, to influence and transform our thoughts, health & relationships.
We look forward to exploring this exciting journey with you, continuing to delve into the gifts of TTouch-for-You® and the infinite wisdom of our cells.
Your program has multiple components. Access them via the steps below. If you have any questions as you go along scroll down to see who to contact with different types of questions.
Start Your Access…

Monthly Class Teachings: Each month the recordings will posted within a week after the Live class. Access these from the button above on the navigation bar marked Classes.

Handouts: Each month any related materials will posted within a week after the Live class. Access these from the button above on the navigation bar marked Handouts.

ZOOM Access: For each Live Monthly Class we will use the same zoom link. You can find this link and more info on Zoom above on the navigation bar marked Zoom. A reminder with the access information will be sent to you via email the week prior to class. If you do not receive this, please contact or prior to class weekend.

Private Facebook Group: Access directions for participation in your private Facebook Group by clicking here or the Facebook Link in the navigation bar above.

Bonuses: To access all of the Bonus material, click on the Bonus tab in the navigation bar. Here you will find many supplemental video, audio, handouts, articles and documents to further enhance your learning.

Calendar: View class dates and please schedule them on your personal Calendar. See Calendar Tab in the Navigation Bar above.
If you have any questions as you go along, we are here to support you;
- For technical support with client center questions, please email
- For program related questions email
Need help getting into the Facebook Group? email: Kirsten@TellingtonTTouc - Bring your TTouch questions, discoveries, explorations and experiences with TTouch-for-You into the supportive, private Facebook group. Please introduce yourself!
- Access other TTouch-for-You online programs, go to the Main Dashboard if you have previously registered for them.
- To view full program details and register for these other TTouch-for-You online programs click here for Immersion and click here for Heaven.
PLEASE NOTE: Some downloadable items may be in a zip file. Unless you have a Mac, you will need a program like 7zip (it’s free) to open it and extract the materials. Not sure how to open a Zip file? Click here to learn how. If you have a Mac, files downloaded into your download files and can be opened with a simple click on the zip file. You can then save them to your desktop.