Tellington TTouch-for-You®
'Co-Creating Heaven-on-Earth'
Awaken to Your Perfection
Led By
Heart, Mind, Spirit Emissary & Founder of Tellington TTouch®
Linda Tellington-Jones, Ph.D (H)
with Sandy Rakowitz & Elinor Silverstein
6 ONLINE, Self-Study Classes
Merging Quantum Science & Spirituality with TTouch-for-You®

Led By
Heart, Mind, Spirit Emissary & Founder of Tellington TTouch®
Linda Tellington-Jones, Ph.D (H)
with Sandy Rakowitz & Elinor Silverstein
6 ONLINE, Self-Study Classes
Merging Quantum Science & Spirituality with TTouch-for-You®
The ‘Co-Creating Heaven-on-Earth’ program offers:
- In depth practices of Tellington TTouch-for-You® for empowered self-care for yourself, family, friends and clients.
- Tellington TTouch for relieving pain, reducing fear, and enhancing well-being and the potential to thrive.
- Recognition of the Divine Spark within every cell in the body awakens the realization of the profound intelligence of our cells.
- Linda’s inspirational messages from the ‘Voices of Nature’ awakening us to the knowing that we are One with ‘All That Is.’
- Linda’s guided journeys leading participants into an ancient forest to deepen their connections with Nature.
- Opportunities for Recognizing Nature as ‘One with Us’ as a key to co-creating heaven on earth.
Feeling So Grateful for My beautiful Cells
Today my Patella (knee) got caught in the fence. I nearly collapsed, but immediately I did ear work and sat down. I continued with TTouches and talking with my cells.
In the beginning pain was at 10 level but as soon as I began to talk to my cells the pain level dropped. This was really remarkable… It was at 7 and now it is at 5.
I am feeling so grateful for my Beautiful Cells and thankful that we just had our class because then it was so natural to treat my body in this way. 30 min after the accident I was able to drive 1 hour to my client. What a Perfect day Thank you so much Linda for this amazing TTouch work.
Activate and support your own Enhanced Well-Being in ways you can also share with others.
Join us in ‘Co-Creating Heaven-on-Earth’!
Secure Your Spot Right Now For This Journey & Awakening!!
Note: If you’re a graduate of the Tellington TTouch-for-You® ONLINE Immersion program, email for your special graduate-only exclusive discount to join the in-depth Co-Creating Heaven-on-Earth program now.

What You Will Receive With The ‘Co-Creating Heaven-on-Earth’ Program:
Six Online Training Classes Led by Linda Tellington-Jones
with Sandy Rakowitz & Elinor Silverstein
Each class includes follow along participation via video instruction.
Discover specific skills and abilities to awaken your divine potential.
Access classes anywhere, anytime on your schedule.
Six Video Recordings of Class Trainings
Each training class is available in video format for you to stream online or download in a high quality format. You can watch classes anytime, anywhere, on any of your devices, at your convenience. You will never miss a class this way, and will have these recording gems for ongoing reference and learning.
Six Audio Recordings of Class Trainings
Each class recording is available for you to listen to online or download in a high quality MP3 format. You can listen to classes anytime, anywhere, on any of your devices, at your convenience. You will never miss a class this way, and will have these recording gems for ongoing reference and learning.
Interactive Exercises
During, and in between class trainings, dive into exercises to practice new tools. These accelerate your learning, self-care and help you integrate each class’s key elements and lessons.
Private Online Facebook Group
Share your TTouch-for-You® discoveries and experiences in this global community. Build friendships while gathering support, validation, and sharing insights.
24 Weekly Inspirations
A complement to your online classes. Each week you will receive an Inspirational Teaching bringing you:
Thought Provoking Questions for cultivating Heaven-On-Earth in your life; Guidance for Self-Care for your body, mind and spirit; Recordings of Linda’s “Voices Of Nature,” her delightful, insightful, and uplifting collection of poems; Concepts about cellular wisdom and the power of our thoughts from the books of Joan King, Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton and other visionaries; Focus on synchronistic events that have shaped your life; Guidance for writing and art journaling to enhance focus, clarity and whole brain balance.
Opportunity to gain credit towards TTouch-for-You® Certification for Tellington TTouch Companion Animal and Horse Practitioners; and Professional Health Care Providers.
We LOVE to give gifts to our participants! In the 3 months of our recent program, we added over a dozen surprise bonuses! Expect more bonuses throughout ‘Co-Creating Heaven-on-Earth’!
Being part of this Immersion group has opened my mind and heart to infinite possibilities
Being part of the Immersion Self-Study Program gave my self, and my cells a unique opportunity to be nurtured and nourished in the comfort of my home. Different from the many clinics that I have attended, the Immersion Self-Study Classes offered me the luxury of pausing recordings as often as I liked to listen to details over and over.
I could sit and allow my cells to absorb in a more heart centered way instead of brain centered. I didn’t even feel the need to take notes. For me this is a big deal. Being part of this Immersion group has opened my mind and heart to infinite possibilities.
The most profound outcome was realizing how lovely it is to be ‘me.’ And to appreciate every cell in my body as they guide me on my endless journey of following my TTouch Passion as an Equine Practitioner. Thank you Linda, Sandy and Elinor for sharing your “Knowing.” ♥️
I Was Blown Away with Extra Content
I had a feeling that I would find this program interesting after reading one of Linda’s books but I was blown away with the extra content provided. Amazing ♥️
I’m Ready For More!
After participating in the inaugural TTouch 90-Day Immersion Course, conducted by Linda Tellington-Jones, Sandy Rakowitz and Elinor Silverstein, I’m ready for more! Coming out of the first Course with a sense of belonging to a group of fascinating, forward thinking and like-minded people gathered together from around the world feels empowering. The easy to access ZOOM website was a safe environment where I could learn TTouch techniques, refine my skills, and benefit from shared stories as a way to enrich my own use of TTouch. Plus, I gained all of this while in the comfort of my own home.
For me, the after-effects of the first Immersion Course brought forth a profound awareness for the power of TTouch, a deeper sense for peace and kindness towards others, and a drive towards furthering this journey. For those reasons I’ve signed up for the 6-Month ‘Co-Creating Heaven-on-Earth’ program and I highly recommend it for anyone who is ready for a wonderful personal learning adventure.
Secure Your Spot Right Now For This Journey & Awakening!!
Note: If you’re a graduate of the Tellington TTouch-for-You® ONLINE Immersion program, email for your special graduate-only exclusive discount to join the in-depth Co-Creating Heaven-on-Earth program now.
Join The Global Community
Share Your Love of Nature
Connect with Your Cellular Wisdom
Cultivate Your Creativity
Embrace Your Divine Spark
Awaken Your Intuitive Knowing
Count Your Blessings
I Now Have My Life Back!
I have always seen amazing results using TTouch with animals, but you have expanded my knowledge, given me the courage to experiment and introduced me to so many additional ways of doing the TTouches for myself in these classes with your insights, recommendations and all the sharing of everyone’s experiences.
This walking problem is really improving and lasting. The prescription drugs and physical therapy don’t produce anything near these results.
I now have my life back and I expect to keep improving! I AM IMPROVING!!!!
I cannot express how thankful I am to you, Linda, Elinor and Sandy for the help and hope that you have given me.
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Tellington TTouch-for-You Virtual Training Program
As Linda scales back her international travel offering in person trainings with humans, horses and companion animals, this is your opportunity to participate in in-depth training with Linda.
Through this powerful online format, you’ll save time and money on the workshop costs of travel, accommodations and meals, and, you’ll be able to benefit from Linda’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home for a fraction of the cost of in person workshops!
This Program is for those Searching for NEW SOLUTIONS to Help Themselves and Others:
- Tellington TTouch Practitioners for Companion Animals, or Horses.
- Those who’ve previously had an introduction to Tellington TTouch with animals, or people.
- People who are totally new to Tellington TTouch.
- Healing Arts Practitioners in: Feldenkrais, Energy Modalities, Cranial Sacral, Chiropractic, Acupuncture.
- Acupressure, Massage and other hands-on healing modalities.
- Health-Care Professionals such as physicians, nurses or other related medical professions.
- Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapists.
- Senior Care, Hospice and End-of-Life Care Facilitators.
- Psychotherapists – for themselves, and to share for empowering their clients with new tools for self-help.
- Educators to empower their students.
- Managers and leaders in any field who wants to integrate new tools into the workplace for stress reduction and positively influencing health and well-being.
- Spiritual Seekers, Meditators and Life Long Learners, and anyone who desires to “Be The Change You Wish To See in the World” and uplift the reality you create day-to-day.
Benefit from Learning From Wherever You Are Around the World.
Each class includes 2 hours of dynamic class time with Linda, Sandy and Elinor.
You receive 24/7 Lifetime access to all recordings from this program.
If you’re serious about learning, deepening and inspiring your Tellington TTouch practice, your spiritual life and healing potential, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this potent, unique training with Linda, Sandy & Elinor.
Secure Your Spot Right Now For This Journey & Awakening!!
Note: If you’re a graduate of the Tellington TTouch-for-You® ONLINE Immersion program, email for your special graduate-only exclusive discount to join the in-depth Co-Creating Heaven-on-Earth program now.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Who is this program for?
This program is for newcomers, novice, as well as the experienced TTouch Companion Animal, Horse or Human Practitioner or Instructor.
Do you cover only the material in the TTouch for Healthcare book?
We cover the material in the Healthcare book, plus we go in depth with elements at the heart of TTouch, the merging of science and spirituality in very practical ways. You are led through a tremendous amount of specific content in ways often not taught or covered in most TTouch trainings in person!
What if I have already taken a TTouch Training, will I learn anything new?
YES, you will learn new material! We cover techniques specifically for self-care; Dive in depth into techniques throughout the 6 classes; Explore the Key 9 Elements of TTouch-for-You; and, share the HEART of TTouch in ways often not taught in other trainings.
I’m a Tellington TTouch Practitioner and I have a lot of TTouch Training, will I learn anything new?
YES, you will learn new material! We will dive in depth exploring techniques for self-care to awaken our knowing of our connection to Divine Spirit. Explore the Key 9 Elements of TTouch-for-You seen with new eyes and, share the HEART of TTouch in ways often not taught in other trainings.
As a Tellington TTouch Practitioner for Companion Animals or Horses, can I use Tellington TTouch-for-You®with my human clients?
You may share and teach Tellington TTouch-for-You®for Self-Help. Only those who are licensed Healthcare Professionals can legally use TTouch-for-You as a hands-on therapeutic modality with humans.
How can I offer Tellington TTouch-for-You safely with people in senior centers, in support groups, with my family, friends, where I volunteer, at work, or in various settings? I am not a Tellington TTouch Practitioner or a licensed Healthcare Provider with people.
You may share and teach Tellington TTouch-for-You®for Self-Help. Only those who are licensed Healthcare Professionals may use TTouch-for-You as a hands-on therapeutic modality with humans.
As a licensed Healthcare Professional can I offer Tellington TTouch-for-You with my clients as a therapeutic modality?
Yes, for those who are licensed Healthcare Professionals trained to work with people, you may integrate Tellington TTouch-for-You®within the laws of their state of residence for their profession.
Can I use Tellington TTouch-for-You® in my current profession?
Yes! We encourage sharing and offering Tellington TTouch-for-You for Self-Help. Only those who are licensed Healthcare Professionals may use TTouch-for-You as a hands-on therapeutic modality with humans
Does this program count towards receiving credit for Advanced Training for those who are already Tellington TTouch Companion Animal, Horse, or Human Practitioners?
Yes! You can potentially receive up to 30 hours of credit for completed course work towards advanced training with proof of completion. This can include 18 hours of credit for completed IMMERSION self-study course work, 12 hours of credit for completion of the ‘Co-Creating Heaven-on-Earth’ course work.
Can I receive a Certificate for Completion of the TTouch-for-You®IMMERSION self-study program and for the "Co-Creating Heaven-on-Earth"?
Yes, all those who provide proof of completion with additional requirements can receive a certificate of completion for TTouch-for-You® IMMERSION and ‘Co-Creating Heaven-on-Earth.’
Can I become a certified Tellington TTouch-for-You®Practitioner for Self-Help with Humans?
Yes. We are developing the requirements for becoming a certified TTouch-for-You®Practitioner for Self-Help with Humans. You will need Proof of Completion and comprehension with practicum experience with written case studies. There will be additional testing requirements.
Empowering & Thrilling!
Using TTouches before taking the IMMERSION program, there were always very positive results, but now I feel that I have a hot line to my client’s hearts! This program is empowering and thrilling, it is exciting to be part of this group! It is as if I’m a totally new student to the expansiveness of TTouch.
The Fear Dissipated
I began feeling frightened at being up so high in the stadium, not realizing I had a fear of heights. I just wanted to leave. I began doing Heart Hugs and kept doing them for a few minutes and remembered to breathe. After a few minutes, I began to calm down, and the fear dissipated. When the concert started I was able to enjoy the concert.
Meet Your Facilitators…

Pioneering Leader, Linda Tellington-Jones:
Linda Tellington-Jones, PhD (Hon) is the creator and Founder of the Tellington TTouch® method. Over 2500 individuals have been trained in the Tellington Method for humans and animals and are working in 36 countries.
She is the author of 21 books in 15 languages about her work with many species of animals as well as books for human health-care.
This unique approach has originated as a result of her life-long journey to learn to trust her intuition and has grown in popularity throughout the world.
Linda’s pioneering work has its roots in a philosophy that sees all beings — humans and animals alike — as reflections of a Divine Whole. Read more about Linda – Click Here

About Sandy Rakowitz
Sandy Rakowitz, founder of One Heart Healing Center, has been a Tellington TTouch Practitioner® for nearly 30 years and has been working closely with Linda Tellington-Jones.
She is a graduate and former faculty of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, is an Animal Communicator, a certified business, marketing, money and soul coach, and has taught across the U.S.
Sandy is an award winning coach, and has developed over a dozen empowering online programs to learn Animal Communication, Energy Healing, Pet Hospice & End of Life Care, Money Mindset & Empowerment, and other Holistic based practices and programs with people, animals and their businesses.

About Elinor Silverstein
Elinor is an experienced Feldenkrais Practitioner®, Movement Intelligence® Trainer and movement expert who works with Pain, Back and Neck issues, Special Needs Children, Special Needs Adults, and severe physical limitations.
Her extensive background in the biological sciences also helps to inform the way she works with both humans and animals.
She is the Creator of “The Gut-Brain Connection” Training Program, and is a Certified Bones for Life Trainer®. Elinor is also a Tellington TTouch® Practitioner who has been working with Linda for close to 40 years! Elinor and Linda created a popular book club to delve into some of the books that have been most influential for Linda.
Content Inspired Confidence in my Abilities!
“I love the concentrated attention to the use of specific TTouches, the techniques of each, and examples of when each one might be used. The sharing of specific instances when the TTouches were used and “stories” of how and when they were applied to animals and/or people brought the techniques to life and were encouraging that we COULD provide valuable help in just about all situations. The sessions and the content inspired confidence in my abilities!”
The online workshops are a real treat!
“Since I registered for the Heaven and Immersion program, I have been listening to the IMMERSION self-study videos and I am nearly through the 6th day.
I have some real nice experiences getting rid of pain and tension in my body and some progress with my dog (mouth TTouch!).
This way of learning online is much better for me than visiting a workshop in person. Being highly sensitive/emphatic, I need my space and breaks. Being at the computer offers this. I am so glad I found this possibility to learn from you all. The online workshops are a real treat!”
Secure Your Spot Right Now For This Journey & Awakening!!
Note: If you’re a graduate of the Tellington TTouch-for-You® ONLINE Immersion program, email for your special graduate-only exclusive discount to join the in-depth Co-Creating Heaven-on-Earth program now.

COPYRIGHT ©Linda Tellington-Jones and Tellington TTouch Training. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. The testimonials and examples used are to illustrate potential results, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that everyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation.